
Angelology For Old-School Essentials

Created by Appendix N Entertainment

Pre-Order Angelology, the third part of the Heaven & Hell Trilogy for Old-School Essentials and other OSR Games! You can also purchase all other products in the Heaven & Hell line - including the all new magnetically sealing box to build your own Heaven & Hell boxed set!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Cool News
about 1 year ago – Thu, Jan 18, 2024 at 12:32:07 PM

Cool News!

So, there is something cool I have to report. As many of you know, Angelology (slated for mid-late spring) is going to be fulfilled through Backerkit later this winter with options to add on Devilry, Demonology and some of our back catalog. In the interim, we have discovered something that could make it REALLY COOL. We are currently waiting on a prototype box. As in BOXED SET. This will be a magnetically sealing box that fits A5 booklets in it for the Heaven & Hell Trilogy to all fit in. IF the prototypes work, these boxes will be added to the Backerkit as add ons and preorders. This will be share here, of course, so that you can make your trilogy a proper boxed set!. You can see the layout of what the boxes will look like, preassembled here:

As you can see, they use the Paladin In Hell art that Jacob made for this campaign as the cover. If the prototype works out, we will see if we can print on the "spine" and back as well. I think the boxed set would definitely be cool. So you are aware, if this goes to print and pre-order, it will most likely only be made once, so if you want the box to make a boxed set, the pre-order will be you only chance, barring some overrun that may be available after. We do not have a price point yet.

Further Afield

Beyond this project and the related books in the trilogy, we have a couple things going on. First and foremost, our Gateway To Adventure Trilogy for Old-School Essentials has finally made it to getting surveys out on Backerkit. If you backed it, you have had KS updates and Backerkit emails informing you. If you didn't back it, but would like to get in on the pre-order, that is open as well! You can pre-order books here: 

Gateway To Adventure Trilogy Pre-order Page

Also on deck, if you are interested in Shadowdark, we are currently running a Kickstarter to have Taylor Seely-Wright convert the monsters from Creature Companion (OSE edition) to Shadowdark RPG! If you are interested in a Shadowdark version of the book, OR if you missed out on the original version of the book and want the revised copy of the OSE version, you can find that Kickstarter here:

Creature Companion For Shadowdark Kickstarter

As always, thank you for your support!

Ryan Thompson

Appendix N Entertainment

?December Update?
about 1 year ago – Wed, Dec 13, 2023 at 06:02:22 AM

Hello everyone.

This update is coming as 2 backers have requested an update. In our October update we stated that with our production schedule we would not be providing an Angelology update until after the holiday and New Year. Despite this, here is the brief update we can offer right now.

Due to the aforementioned production reasons, progress on Angelology is as expected. We have worked on the portions of it that were needed to be worked on alongside Devilry for consistency in the lore. Little more is being done until after the New Year. We are still intent on opening up Backerkit in late January. 

More updates will come as we get closer to the Backerkit and Preorder launch.

Thank you, as always for all of your support!

Ryan Thompson

Appendix N Entertainment

Funds and Future Updates
over 1 year ago – Sun, Oct 01, 2023 at 01:28:39 PM

Hey folks,

Funding came in this week. Thank you for that. That said, we are wrapping up Devilry and working through Gateway To Adventure Trilogy to get those projects complete and out to backers. As this one is due in April do not expect many heavy until just after the holidays. That said, some writing is already done, as ties in to Demonology and Devilry. I anticipate having backerkit and a preorder page open for Angelology sometime by the end of January.

Thank you,

Ryan Thompson

Appendix N Entertainment

Last Day!
over 1 year ago – Tue, Sep 05, 2023 at 12:28:29 PM

Thank you all for making this a success! We are in the last day! If we manage to hit $4500 by the time this ends tomorrow morning, I will open up both the $5000 and 300 backer stretch goals as well, regardless of if we hit them!

Thank you!

Ryan Thompson

 Appendix N Entertainment 

Update 2
over 1 year ago – Sun, Aug 27, 2023 at 11:01:25 AM

Hello all,

Just a quick update to say thank you. We are now past the second stretch goal, and not far from the third. We have just over a week to go on this one. If we can get a little under $2000 more, we will hit the $4500 mark and Angelology will be the same size as and hold mirrored content to Demonology and Devilry, both of which tie directly to Angelology!

Thank you,

Ryan Thompson

Appendix N Entertainment