
Angelology For Old-School Essentials

Created by Appendix N Entertainment

Pre-Order Angelology, the third part of the Heaven & Hell Trilogy for Old-School Essentials and other OSR Games! You can also purchase all other products in the Heaven & Hell line - including the all new magnetically sealing box to build your own Heaven & Hell boxed set!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Excellent News!
6 months ago – Mon, Sep 02, 2024 at 02:19:33 PM

Alright folks.

Writing/rewrites are just about complete on this one. So soon to go to editing.

Also, we seem to have a box supplier for those that want boxes to create a boxed set as an add on! Pics of the boxes can be seen below. The prototype in the pics is currently in transit to me, then I will scrutinize over it, just in case something isn't working (IE, books don't fit inside properly). After that, I will unleash the Backerkit survey and preorder page! Once that is up for "a bit". We will have final numbers on how many books need to be ordered and how many boxes.

NOTE, the boxes will only be made ONCE. This will be the only chance you have to get a box.

Also, I owe you an  "Angel Tax" for the long wait on this update, so here are the Graces, the heavenly counterpart to Erinyes and Succubi. 

Here are images of the boxes and the print file for the boxes:

Thank you for your support!

Ryan Thompson

Appendix N Entertainment

July Update
8 months ago – Thu, Jul 18, 2024 at 12:42:42 PM


Hey folks. Sorry for the lateness of this update! The day job is absolutely on fire and has been for a month. That said, Re-writes and layout are nearing completion here. Once that is done and we lock down which printer we are using, we will be ready/about ready to launch the Backerkit while things go into final edit. 

About Ready?

Well, remember those boxes we were talking about? We very likely have a printer that can produce the boxes with hinged lids and magnetic closure that we originally wanted! Waiting on proofs are a quote on those at present. They will then be available as add ons. After I have a "warm fuzzy" that they will be able to make the boxes look good, I'll be sharing the box art here and on the Demonology and Devilry updates.

That's it for this moment. For the long wait, here is an angel tax, detailing on of the more powerful non-Archangels.

As always, thank you all for your support!

Ryan Thompson

Appendix N Entertainment

Early June Update
9 months ago – Tue, Jun 04, 2024 at 05:49:42 PM

Hey folks! We have a bit to report this month!


First of the writing/re-writing and layout is going well and swiftly. I anticipate to have the work off for final draft during the course of this month. That said, while working on this (and with the completion of Demonolgy and Devilry and their previous releases) I have realized that 7 of the stretch goal Archangels were not fitting thematically with the work or the overarching lore shared within the trilogy. These are the seven Olympic Spirits: Araton, Bethor, Hagith, Och, Ophiel, Paleg and Phul. I have removed these in favor of 7 others that fit better. These being:

Aglaea, Euphrosyne and Thalia. These are the Graces of Greek Myth (graces being a new angelic creature added to the work.) Both the 3 Graces and the graces fit into heaven in the same way that the Erinyes/Furies along with Alecto, Megaera and Tisiphone fit in hell as Devils and Archdevils as well as serving as opposite counterparts to the Queens of Hell. 

The other four spots have moved to: Ieremiel, Archangel of the Holy Dead; Jophiel a warrior of Heaven and Archangel of Wisdom; Raguel, Archangel of Justice; Raziel Archangel of Secrets and Magic.

So are full list of Archangels is: Aglaea, Anael, Azrael, Cassiel, Chnoubis, Euphrosyne, Gabriel, Ieremiel, Jophiel, Metatron, Michael, Raguel, Raphael, Raziel, Thalia, Uriel and Zadkiel.

That is 17 strong to stand against Hell and The Pit!

Here is a preview of the Minor Choir:

What about those boxes you mentioned?

Regarding the boxes to make boxed sets, I finally have a potential good source after going through serveral that seemed good, but failed in the end. I am still in talks with them, but things seem promising. Whether we will be able to do the box as an add on or if we need to do the box as a separate campaign and ship them separately has yet to be seen and will be determined by how much headway we have when we launch the Backerkit later this month.

I should have more news all the way around in a few weeks!

As always, thank you for your support!

Ryan Thompson

Boxes, Surveys & Preorders
11 months ago – Wed, Apr 10, 2024 at 12:06:16 PM

Hell everyone!

First thing is first. We are still working at finding a box maker that works for the project. So far we have a couple that "work". However, this is all based on min orders of boxes to make them affordable. We can't guarantee that with preorders and add ons from backers we will hit enough boxes to order from either of these sources. That said, we are waiting on two more "samples" right now to see how they turn out. One is unlikely, as I don't feel the quality of the box will be "good enough." We won't really know until it is received, however. If neither of these work out, boxes may end up being their own crowdfunding campaign. If they do work out, they will be in the survey/preorder as an add on.

That said we are looking at launching the surveys/preorders sometime around the end of this month - early next, after we have a good idea of what is happenning with boxes. 

Fullfillment looks like it will be early summer or mid-summer (pending whether boxes are involved and what suppilier needs to be used if they are.) 

If we get a really good looking box in, we will definitely be sharing it here.

Thank you for backing!

Ryan Thompson

Appendix N Entertainment

Boxes & Bakerkits
about 1 year ago – Mon, Feb 26, 2024 at 08:06:38 AM

Hey folks! Work continues on this project, though it is "behind" the work to complete the Gateway to Adventure Trilogy. That said, it is my plan to have the Backerkit for this project up and running in early April. That will be contingent on one thing at the moment. That one thing being the add on box.

The initial producer of the boxes for the trilogy came in terrible. The box itself is PERFECT for A5 size books and zines, and is very nice once put together. However, this particular producer cannot print the image well. More than have of the image came out black. We are talking with a few other companies that produce printed boxes to see if we can get a similar box made.  We really want you to be able to have the boxed set, if at all possible.

Therefore, we are going to work with the box producers that we are currently talking with to see what we can do. If boxes become to much of an issue, we will nix it and inform everyone on all 3 Kickstarter. We will keep everyone posted!

Thank you,

Ryan Thompson