
Angelology For Old-School Essentials

Created by Appendix N Entertainment

Pre-Order Angelology, the third part of the Heaven & Hell Trilogy for Old-School Essentials and other OSR Games! You can also purchase all other products in the Heaven & Hell line - including the all new magnetically sealing box to build your own Heaven & Hell boxed set!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

First March Update
10 days ago – Mon, Mar 03, 2025 at 11:47:47 AM

Sorry for the lack of communication folks. We had some technical difficulties. 

This past month the computer that my writing and layout software is on went down. Not too worry too much, as I was able to get all files pulled off of it. My software works on Mac, so that is what was picked up to replace it. This is where the nightmare started. I chose the wrong shop to get a replacement from. I did not want the brand new models (partially due to cost) so I found a very good replacement at a reasonable price. This wasn't local, so shipping was needed. The first Mac (you read that right, the first) went out over a week after the ship date that I was shown originally. Once it finally shipped it had a 3 day estimate to me. It shipped Fed Ex and "arrived" on the fourth day. An extra day isn't much when it is already a week late. This put us at Feb. 21st. Unfortunately the house Fed Ex delivered to (picture and all) was not mine. In fact, there isn't a house in my neighborhood that looks like the confirmation picture I received. The seller of the computer was good about this when I provided a picture of my house as proof and agreed to get me a replacement. The replacement should have been to me no later than last Friday. It was not. Apparently held up. As I write this I have a confirmation email from UPS that my package has been delivered. I hope to get home from my day job today, I will know.

Assuming that it is true that I actually have a replacement that will run my software, tonight will be spent getting all of my software/apps on the new machine. After that I will be doing a few passes over what was supposed to have gone out to you around the time my last one crapped out. After that I will be loading up the file to Backerkit so you will get PDFs. I estimate this to be no later than this weekend! From here I will send it out for one final pass with an editor (also intended toward the beginning of this past month) and we will be ready for print. The printer for this book is in the U.S., so the lead time on this will not be terribly long. 

For those who are getting boxes/boxed sets, the lead time will be a little longer as we are looking at sometime in "early April" to receive boxes. It is likely that they will be early, but I cannot promise that.

I will be issuing a social media blast tomorrow that the Pre-Order store for this project will be closing down this weekend, just in case there are extreme stragglers out there.

Additionally, there are still several of you that have already paid for your rewards here on KS that have not filled out your surveys! Again, if you do not complete your survey on BK you will not be receiving your rewards.

For your patience on this one, here is a preview of a couple more Archangels!

Thank you all for your support and you paitence!

Ryan Thompson

Appendix N Entertainment 

Update - Order Lockdown
about 2 months ago – Mon, Jan 13, 2025 at 08:02:44 AM

Hello all.

Tomorrow, Jan. 14th 2025 is the date set to lock down the surveys and orders on Backerkit. At pre-orders will remain open for serveral weeks after. 

At present 20 Backers have not complete their surveys. I have taken the time to send each of you messages directly here on Kickstarter letting you know that you need to fill out your surveys if you want to receive your rewards. Please check your email and your message box here on Kickstarter to make certain whether or not you still owe a survey.

Thank you

Ryan Thompson

Appendix N Entertainment

Smoke Tests Have Been Sent!
3 months ago – Fri, Dec 13, 2024 at 09:12:46 AM

Hello all!

Backerkit has approved the surveys and pre-order store. Smoke test have been sent out to 7 of you. As soon as the majority of those are filled out, proving that everything is working, we will get the rest of the surveys out! Presumably this should happen over the weekend!

Thank you all for your support!

Ryan Thompson

Appendix N Entertainment

Boxes, Backerkit Updates and EU Regulations
3 months ago – Fri, Dec 06, 2024 at 11:19:32 AM


I am in possession of the final version of the box and it it a fantastic box. Boxes are sturdy, but not heavy and have a magnetic closure. A5 booklets fit inside perfectly. Please see below.

Backerkit Surveys and Fulfillment

We ended up getting held up on getting the Backerkit completed as we were made aware of  new EU Regulations that will be cause issues for non-EU companies to get things shipped out there. I had worked on this for all 3 campaigns that have gone to Backerkit most of last month, trying to find a work around. All information on this is below and if you live in the EU/EEA you MUST read this and alter your order accordingly. We will try to find a work around for this issue. 

That said, Backerkit Survey is now ready and in the approval process with BK. We should have smoke tests out this coming week (early) Monday/Tuesday and the remainder out (pending smoke tests being completed) later in the week! That means that we are in the home stretch. Pre-orders will also be going up for everyone and the box will be available in both pre-order and add on (for backers) form. Watch your emails for one from Backerkit. If you do not have a Backerkit account, make one using the same email that you use for Kickstarter, as that is the email that BK will be using.

RE: PDFs. We have to get another editing sweep done, then I will be issuing an early copy of the PDF to everyone that backed through DTRPG. This will be in roughly 2 weeks (possibly sooner.) You will also be getting finalized copies through Backerkit once we move to shipping physical goods.


A notice to all who may not know, the EU has issued new regulations regarding products sold in/to those living in EU and EEA countries, as well as Northern Ireland. These regulations (as well as the decree that companies outside of the EU/EEA need a representative within, will make it difficult for me to legally ship, as I will not have a representative/economic operator staffed, due to the few physical orders I get from the countries affected. It would not be worthwhile. Nor can I meet all of the requirements of declaring the books "safe" due to using different printers on different projects and not having enough information on the ink and finishes used. Please see the links below:

EU GSPR Regulations

Full Regulation


These are the countries affected:

The EU countries are:

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.

The European Economic Area (EEA)

The EEA includes EU countries and also Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.


Option 1: Update your survey to a digital only pledge. I have updated all pledges within the affected countries to be able to change there pledge over to a digital only pledge. If you chose to move to a digital only pledge, when funds are collected you will receive a refund in the difference between your original pledge and the new pledge you have changed to.

I will be sending out this portion of the update in a message to all affected backers as well, once the Survey is live.

As always, thank you for your support!

Ryan Thompson

Appendix N Entertainment

Update, Completion, Boxes & Backerkits
4 months ago – Thu, Oct 31, 2024 at 08:42:05 AM

Hey all. Here is our update RE: completion and backerkit!

First off, sorry about the hold up. I have included a preview of the Archangel Gabriel as a "tax". 

Backerkit will open "soon". For those that have been following along, you already know that we were wrapping up the book and also getting boxes ready to go as "boxed set" add ons. You will remember that the initial sample box looked to large in the pictures. Well, when we received the sample it was. Continued below the Glorious Archangel Gabriel.

If you see the pics below the left box is the sample that was too large, but with the image on it that is properly printed. The smaller box next to it is an earlier box from a printer that had the box right, but just couldn't swing it when it cam to printing (you will notice that most of the pic is black.

Below you can see my tape measure on the sample. The box was about an inch too large all the way around.

Below you can see images of the new box, which I am waiting on. I have converted the metric to inches and the dims are correct on this one. Just waiting for the sample to show up, which should be any day now.

As soon as these boxes hit and I verify they are sturdy enough (and get the actual weight for shipping) I will open up Backerkit!

As always, thank you for your support!

Ryan Thompson

Appendix N Entertainment